In the fantastical realm of Ettodran, the landscape is a tapestry of lush forests, treacherous mountains, and shimmering rivers, woven with magic and intrigue. At its heart, the Slyval Kingdom, known for its verdant valleys and skilled enchanters, faces off against the formidable Duzemecan Empire, a realm of towering fortresses and master strategists. The air crackles with tension as both nations wage relentless war over the enigmatic crystal Xanthite, rumored to grant unparalleled power to its wielder. This radiant resource, found deep within ancient caverns and throughout the land, is said to hold the key to harnessing elemental forces, making it the focal point of conflict that threatens to engulf the entirety of Ettodran in darkness and chaos. Amidst the chaos, brave heroes and cunning spies emerge, each with their own motives, as the fate of their worlds hangs precariously in the balance.
This campaign is set in a complete custom Dungeons & Dragons setting created by the DM. This setting can be found at All players familiar with the system or who are interested in learning the system are welcome! For any questions, please ask the DM!