- Parents often warn their children that if they are not good, various folk tales will come around to take them away. In Seplea, this is no different – aside from the fact that the ‘folktale’ is real. “The Circus will come and take you away if you don’t behave!” they cry. But the Circus is not what they are – just what the Empire claims them to be.
The year is 199 PI (post imperialis), and the Quiet Massacre has made an example of the rebellion. After fleeing to the southern country of Mabrua twenty years ago, the People’s Company established their first city, in the Southram Valley. Since discovering resources that rival the Seplean Empire’s stores, they have become targets of the Empire’s prying eyes, and their Astirs – towering machines that travel and ensure the Empire’s will is done. But, the Rebellion has yet to cease, and has even acquired Astirs for their own – after modifying them, of course.
(Armour Astir: Advent is a game Powered by the Apocalypse, written by Briar Sovereign. You can read the quick start rules on their Itch.io page, here. No experience necessary, please contact with any questions!)